Sunday, October 29, 2006
@ 6:09 AM
I AM SO BORED! bored, bored and more bored! i ate so much 4 lunch lah! i ate this wire-like beehoon (extremely disgusting, but not bad with the lime juice! :P) and a sandwhich which lala and rach made. we bought the bagguette from delifrance and we bought ham, lettuce, barbeque sauce which tastes a little weird... hahaz :) then after that, we went 2 our neighbour's house to eat cuz they were celebrating hari raya. i'm such a pig. haha :D well, lolx. time to get back to my boring life! heeheez :)
Saturday, October 28, 2006
@ 5:58 AM
I'M SO BORED!!! today rach, stella n i went 2 best denki (i think) 2 get rach's creative zen! but in the end rach didn't get the creative zen cuz the rest of the creative products had too much capacity and the creative zen was in black and green! she wanted black and orange which was so much more nicer! than after that, we came home blah blah blah and we went to the colemberem( i have no idea how to spell it) to visit popo. it was quite fun cuz the whole of mummy's side of the family came! my cousin had a i-pod nano and a walkman phone! not fair rite? :( i want! hahaz! then we just play play play. quite fun lah! now, i'm so tired and my hair's like blocking part of my eye cuz of the stupid gel! hahaz :P
Thursday, October 26, 2006
@ 6:27 AM
SCHOOL'S OVER! NO MORE WAKING UP EARLY! YAYz! YAYz! ahh... dun needa wake up early 4 the rest of the year! (not really... :). today i went 2 LY's house 2 play! we played lots of comp games cuz there wasn't anything else 2 do. we played family feud, which was SUPER DUPER FUN! it was so fun lah! then we played maple story which was... okay lah! i dun c why some pple are so crazy about maple story. n we baked brownies. it was quite fun 2 make it! i stained my sleeve of my uniform :( but it turned out 2 be quite nice even though the chocolate was burned! heehee :) then we play comp n we play e special monopoly. the disney monopoly. super cool lah! then ly's mum sent me home! we were lost lah! cuz went wrong lane! heeheez :) hav been playing family feud since i've come home (sorta!) well, GONNA HAVE FUN! :P
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
@ 2:04 AM
i keep on thinking today is thursday! TOMMOROW'S LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! WOOHOO! :P in the morning, we were FORCED (kinda) to attend some old girls alumnae meeting and we wasted 1 hr of our carnival time. oh ya, THE CARNIVAL ROCKED! as usual, the food is ridiculously overpriced! the small bowl of pasta costed $2 which is a total ripoff but i bought it anyway. but it couldn't be worse than the satay. it was $3 for a few sticks lah! sighs. i dunno why but i was like; starving! i bought pasta, chicken wings n ice cream for recess! i know its alot but well, :) then we walked around, we went 2 visit cherie's shop! the game was quite stupid lah! it was just throw the necklace (wondering why they didn't use balls?) into the person's mouth (not real person so dun worry!) i got all 3 in lah! but tat's becuz i strech A LOT! hahaz :) i totally played cheat! lol! then, we braided our hair. actually, it was jus me and clari and then we queued up for haunted house. it was quite a ripoff too! we waited 4 so long lah! but it was more funny than scary! it was like... me:"hi! i'm so scared! ahh!" i was so sacarstic lah! heeheez :) well, lolz! can't wait 4 the next carnival! hope it will be more fun! :D
Monday, October 23, 2006
@ 1:02 AM
COUNTDOWN! 2 the end of the sch! yayz! only 3 more days~so fast rite?! hahaz :) today there was nothing 2 do in sch! i got cheated of me money lah! i gave the photo money already but i didn't get the photo just becuz i wasn't in sch on friday! aiyah... hopefully i'll get me photos on friday! all i did in sch was read. read books, archie comics blah blah blah. oh yah, the christmas service (which is, FYI, riducously early! christmas is like... 2 months away! :) was sooo boring! it was just singing hymphs (is that how u spell it???) n listening to stories. yawnnnn! sighs. then after sch, rach n i went to Burger King n i ate the whooper junior student's set meal. so full now! hahazzz :P
Sunday, October 22, 2006
@ 6:45 AM
TOMMOROW HAVE 2 GO BACK 2 SCH! :( i bet i can't wake up lah! hav been sleeping like A PIG 4 the past 1 week. even today, wake up at 8.00 also cannot wake up, in the end i slept for 20 more min! hahaz :) was a bit late 4 church! :P hahaz :) then after church, i went 2 meiru n meijun's house 2 play! quite fun lah! we watched aquamarine, the show with jojo, sarah paxton n emma roberts. watch the first part only cuz i was 2 bored. then we played game of life. i got the 2nd most money! hehe :P then i helped meijun with her chi. (so good rite? hahaz :P) then we played monoply! but halfway through, i realised that it was already 4.45 so i went home! then at 7.00 we went 2 sizzlers to eat! yumyumyumyum! delishz! i ate terriyaki chicken n the salad bar! i LOVE the salad bar! i ate so much veggies lah! hahaz :) so full now... i shall now be a lazy pig n sit back and let me stomach bloat! hahazzzzzzzz :P
Saturday, October 21, 2006
@ 9:09 PM

ITS THE WEEKEND! i haven't posted in like forever! hahaz :) too lazy lah! i went 2 the MGS ROCS (staffroom (RA) concert last night. it was SUPER NICE! i've got some pics from the pamphlet (didn't bring cam lah) hehe! first it was e "bollywood dazzles". it was ok lah. the t'chers just danced lorh. then it was "MGS next top model"! THAT ONE ROCKED! it was super nice lah! Mrs Thomsett has such skinny legs! not fair! :( and ms kon also catwalked! but she was wearing this ethnic costume lah... no evening gown or bikini! hahaz :)

then it was e "dynamic duo". it was just piano, nothing much. then it was the "idol spoof mgs style". that one was also nice. it was super funny when the teachers purposely sang off tune lah. only nathan hartono didn't sing off tune, so obviously he was the winner lah! so cliche rite? then it was the interval. the food sold in the canteen was ridiculously overpriced lah. the stupid hotdog costs $2.50 but it was nice lah. they also sold chocolates, ice cream yogurt, candy floss and i think it was bubble tea.

then Nathan Hartono went up on stage! he was super good lah. but the songs he sang was quite boring lah, but still good! :) then it was the teachers' supernova. that one was quite nice too! but it was kinda weird seeing mrs yap singing! hahaz :) then it was "the A Go Go dance" it was normal... then it was Diorama! that one ROCKED! Diorama is a band F.Y.I. they brought the house down! (or in this case, the stage? i'm so lame! hahaz) they sang 2 songs which really rocked but i forgot the names of the songs already. but i knew that one song was from red hot chilli peppers. well, then after that, the show ended! :( so sad rite? but i think it was worth $20 not $30! hahaz :) but it was still nice lah! then after we went home, i watched inuyasha! hehe :)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
@ 8:18 PM
MY B'DAE'S COMING UP IN 2 DAYS! YAY! i've officially cancelled someone out of my life! i feel so happy and relieved. like a huge burden is off my life. i feel so carefree. like i've been let out of my cage, after being suffocated for so long. this feeling is priceless! :P
Friday, October 13, 2006
@ 1:59 AM
YAY! THE WEEKEND IS COMING! actually, it should be that the boredom of staying at home for 8 days is coming... it'll be really boring. but well, i'll just find some stuff to do. sighs. today was ok lah. the podcast thingy was super fun and super cool. the i-mac was so nice! and everything was just... wonderful! it was really fun, making the podcast with LY. our starting song for the podcast was so upbeat and cool! and the podcast was super stupid, silly yet funny. then after that, we had the dance thingy by the same teacher who is a bit... u probaly know what it is. but the stupid dance was so hard lah! i just gave up... didn't really care. then after that, we went back to class and played speed and cheat. then, mrs fong said that we could go to the libary! yay! immediately, i rushed out of the class like some primary one kid to reserve the computer! hahaz! but in the end, we couldn't play cuz we had to go for some talk by some organization for elderly people. i know i'm supposed to listen but it was SO BORING! in the end, i started talking to LY and totally ignored what the guy was blabbering about. but anyway, almost everyone wasn't listening! hahaz :)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
@ 5:55 AM
TODAY WAS SUPER FUN LAH! at first, in sch, we had this "team building" thingy. we played these stupid games but it was really fun. then after that, we went ROCK CLIMBING!!!! rock climbing ROCKS! it was so, so, so, so, so fun! the first one was super hard lah! but 2nd one was okay lah. then cherie treated me & LY to cup noodles. after that, i met up with rach who was super hyper and happy cuz her exams were over! then we met up with stella and mummy and auntie millie and we went to ICHIBAN! i ordered this fried set thingy and rach orderded this sushi blah blah blah. i forgot what it was but there were so many sushis on her plate! mummy and auntie millie ate first cuz we were kinda late and ya la. and stella was too full to eat cuz she ate chicken rice in sch. so sad rite?! then after that, we went to watch "world trade centre". it was so sad lah! i was ABOUT to cry. ABOUT! but it was quite boring also... the first part was boring. i was almost falling asleep! hehe. :) then after that we did a bit of shopping and went home. i am SO TIRED NOW! AND HUNGRY! hahaz :P
Monday, October 09, 2006
@ 6:31 AM
ITS INDEPENDENCE! yahoo! no more studying! yay, yay! hooray! gonna play all dayz mann! during sci exam, i had such a bad stomach ache lah! i was like suffering and forcing myself to complete e paper. sigh... then after that, i went 2 LY's house with clari! go there just play comp and play and play lorh. aiyah... well, to all P6 students who aren't taking stupid higher mother tounge thus still studying while other people are rejoicing, LETS GO CRAZY!! WOOHOO! :)
Saturday, October 07, 2006
@ 7:46 AM
YAY! ITS FRIDAY! no school tomorrow! no exams tommorow! YAHOO! still have sci paper though... :( science should be THE FIRST PAPER! then get it done and over with. make us suffer so much. chi. paper was quite easy lah. 理解问答 was like... SUPER EASY! but i was stuck at the MCQ! haha! :) for 稳定 i put 墙壁稳定! THAT IS SO WRONG! hahaz :) impossible 2 get Astar for chi and maths lah... so sad :( but english get A happy enough already! lalala! :)
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
@ 4:03 AM
ATTENTION! PSLE IS STARTING TOMMOROW! SO START STUDYING LIKE A PROFOUND GEEK AND DON'T PLAY COMPUTER! hahaz :) i'm still playin' the comp! hav to study. LY didn't come 2 sch todae cuz she was "sick". "sick" of sch! hahaz :D well, off to me books! lalala :)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
@ 9:04 PM
ITS E START OF E WEEK! i am becoming a slob. had oily, greasy, fattening but oh-so delicious black noodle with taiwan sausage from the zi char shop! i feel so fat now. i haven't done any hw yet lah! so lazy! PSLE is so near yet... aiyah. very tired... well, :) gonna have tuition later. oh yah, i just realised that! hahaz :)
@ 4:35 AM
sighs... todae went macs to study. so crowded lah! then rach and i saw this girl flirting with the boys there. so disgusting lah! hahaz :) wellS.PSLE STARTING ON WEDNESDAY!!!! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
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